Journey with Jesus: Ride Up to Easter

By April 10, 2017 November 1st, 2018 Easter, Faith

As we ride through this week, join me in a little special moment to remember the Easter season.   Every day until Easter I will share a thought, reminder to ponder and a prayer.

JESUS IS CONDEMNED Jesus is judged by Pilate (Luke 23:13-25)  Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns (Luke 22:63-65; John 19:2-3)

THOUGHT    Think about the fact our perfect Lamb of God, Jesus was condemned.  Jesus realizes that Pilate is unjust and how Pilate followed the will of the people and that Pilate had power over Jesus.  Jesus the Son of God obeys the earthly law but Jesus knows it is his Father’s will.

REMINDER   This is a great reminder that we should try to obey our Lord and really think….. What is His will for me? Do we often listen to much to the earthly will and to our peers and not silence ourselves to really hear God’s will for us.

PRAYER   Jesus, I love you.  Please help me to recognize my faults and to fully submit to doing your will in all I do.



JESUS IS GIVEN HIS CROSS Jesus takes up the cross (Mark 15:20)

THOUGHT   The cross is real to Jesus and He knows that this is what his Father chose for him.  He receives it with grace.

REMINDER How often do we complain or feel that our life is so painful and we have discomforts that seem unfair.  Let’s be reminded that we have our little crosses to carry and Jesus carries our crosses for us each and every day.  Be grateful in all situations.

PRAYER   Jesus, I love you.  Please help me to recognize that you suffered for me and that I need to remember that my burdens little or big need to be laid at your feet.




THOUGHT   God shows us again the human side of Jesus and how he falls and how often we can fall.

REMINDER   We need to try to accept our weaknesses and be reminded that God sees no weakness in us.  He will give us strength to get up after each and every fall. We shouldn’t give up for He is with us in all we do.  Trust that he can help carry your crosses.

PRAYER   Jesus, I love you.  Please give me the strength to understand my own weaknesses in order to learn and grow closer to you, knowing you are the great “I AM”.



Until tomorrow,

